Saturday, March 22, 2008

Modern Garden Style

Modern Garden Style - Monrovia quiz

Plants For The Modern Style
Architectural Accents
Blue Arrow JuniperJuniperus virginiana ‘Blue Arrow’
Ombrella Mimosa TreeAlbizia julibrissin ‘Boubn’
Golden Spirit Smoke TreeCotinus coggygria ‘Ancot’ PP No. 13082
En masse
Golf Ball KohuhuPittosporum tenuifolium 'Golf Ball' PP No. 15329
Golden Variegated Sweet FlagAcorus gramineus ‘Ogon’
Ebony Knight™ Mondo GrassOphiopogon planiscapus ‘Ebknizam’
Blue Creeper JuniperJuniperus scopulorum ‘Monam’ PP No. 5084
Coarse Textures
All Gold Japanese Forest GrassHakonechloa macra ‘All Gold’
Gold Coast Improved JuniperJuniperus x pfitzeriana ‘MonSan’ PPAF
Sienna Sunrise™ Heavenly BambooNandina domestica ‘Monfar’ PP No. 14693
Sun Stripe® Variegated Pampas GrassCortaderia sellowana ‘Monvin’ PP No.5136
Elijah Blue Fescue Festuca cinerea ‘Elijah Blue’
Dwarf Umbrella GrassCyperus albostriatus
Fox Red Curly SedgeCarex buchananii
Variegated Dwarf Centruy PlantAgave desmettiana ‘Variegata’
Bronze Carpet StonecropSedum spurium ‘Bronze Carpet’
Blue Beaked YuccaYucca rostrata
Space Age
Golden Barrel CactusEchinocactus grusonii
Toothless Desert SpoonDasilirion longissimum
Sago PalmCycas revoluta
Lure of Exotica
Tropicanna Gold™ CannaCanna indica ‘Mactro’ PP No. 13809
Powder Puff® HibiscusHibiscus rosa-sinensis 'Monsa'
Giant Panda BambooFargesia rufa
Bold Color
Champagne Bubbles Coral BellsHeuchera x‘Champagne Bubbles’ PP No. 11259
Festival Grass CordylineCordyline x‘Jurred’ PP No. 14224
Evening Glow New Zealand FlaxPhormium ‘Evening Glow’

Elements of the Modern Garden Style
Concrete Steppers
Inexpensive but so highly versatile with this style, precast concrete stepping-stones are the perfect geometric form for surfacing. Round, square or rectangular, small or massive slabs; exposed aggregate or smooth surface, they are your most affordable tool for getting the look just right.

Metal Grids
Originally created as reinforcement mesh for concrete and masonry, welded wire panels of varying density are ideal fencing materials. Use as screen panels for vines, combine with wood planks or create a revolutionary idea with new or recycled segments.

The rounded, natural form of river stone is the perfect contrast for rigid, man-made industrial materials. They offer an excellent surfacing texture for those difficult spaces that can be turned into serious design opportunities. Widely available in a range of colors and sizes.

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